
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Plimbare prin verde

Mai ales tampla ta cea stanga
Ascunde taina zvacnirii tale
Intr-o armura de otel
Verde si cruda,
Cruda si verde.
M-am furisat in somnul tau
Si am cules-o
Cu mana mea cea dreapta
Cea ocrotitoare de tample,
Cea pastratoare de taine.

Mai ales causul pieptului meu
Ascunde taina golului ce ma locuieste
Intr-un cuib de oase
Verde si crud,
Crud si verde.
Te-ai furisat in inima mea
Si ai cules-o
Cu buza ta de jos
Cea ocrotitoare de saruturi,
Cea pastratoare de zambete.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Despre jumatati

Vorbeste-mi in jumate de masura
Despre jumatati de adevar
Vorbeste-mi cu juma de gura
Despre saruturi in raspar.

Retrage-te in jumatatea ta de viziuna
Tranteste usa-n urma ta
Si stinge jumatate de lumina
Ferindu-te de umbra mea.

Ah, fereste-te, caci de te prind
Te spulber, jumatatea mea,
Apoi intreaga ma aprind
Dansand salbatic pe cenusa ta.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The sound of silence

It sounds like the symphony of the wind
Embracing every  leaf of every tree
In a whispered tango of green.

It sounds like the sleep of children
Unfolding every soft corner of the room
 In a quiet reverie of dreams.

It sounds like the touch of lazy fingers
Sending shivers down to my tired bones
In a secret ritual of forgiveness.

It sounds like the beat of my heart
Awakening the other woman in me
 In a silent storm of remembering.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The bear room

Healer of all, come blessed one,

Come by this hospital
Where brave children
Speak in the foreign language of their bodies.

Come by this room they call the ‘bear room’,
Where my daughters led the way
In their dis-ease.

Come by their beds
And whisper into their sleep
As they drift off to dreamland.

Come by their hearts
Where the greatest of stories
Are yet to be unfolded.

Come by my side
When you’re all done
And teach me to heal. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Make up your heart

There must be something to poem about today.
Poem about those morning dreams that slipped away
From half closed eyelids drenched in sleep;
Poem about the floor so deep
That it pulls your love down to your feet
And makes your heart as soft as clay
As you step out of bed and say
May this be the day, oh, this is the day
My heart’s made up, I must obey.

There must be something to poem about today.
Poem about the rotten emptiness that wears away
A woman’s longing heart to sleep
Inside a sea of tears so deep
That she grew fish scales on her feet
And drowned inside her house of clay
Before she found the guts to say
I’ll take no more, this is the day
My heart’s made up, I must obey.

Oh, there must be something to poem about today
Poem about the heart that melts your heart away
And wakes the angels from their sleep
To sing the lovers song so deep
It burns beneath the dancing feet
Of sinner men with faith of clay
As they fall on their knees and say
I’d never thought I’d see the day
My heart’s made up, I must obey.

Dedicated to my little sister, with love.  

Monday, April 21, 2014

Midnight in my room

It is close to midnight in my room;
The noises of the house have gone to sleep.

I can hear my heart beat and my bones stretching as my feet kiss the floor,
But the house is alive, talking in it’s sleep
As it dreams of dragons rushing through it’s pipes
and children coughing in it’s sheets.

Then, the quiet settles in, down from the basement to my mind;
I pour some wine, and it is pink,
Like my fingernails, like my heart, like my breath, like the clouds on my walls.

I loosen my grip as I breathe out the fight
That has kept me awake for so many midnights.

So I start to notice my room as my second skin
As it bears my bruises and dreams, my chaos and my peace.

I look around inside my room as I would look inside myself;
A simple inventory, to mark the surroundings
For Colonel Buendia, if he ever comes back to visit.

I see I see because there is light inside my room
As I light my cigarette, I remember to light my inner fire as well
The one I promised him I would always, always keep burning
so he would find his way back to me,
I promised him.

There are two candles burning my room,
one for my soul,
one for the soul of my house
That shelters my room, my second skin, and all of the bodies and souls within.

There are flowers, wild flowers, picked from my garden, lilacs and wood-lilies
And borrowed flowers, orchids and nameless weeds
All pressed against the window of my heart, looking out, for sunlight,
At midnight.

There are paintings on the walls of my room, the home of my soul.

Some of which I painted:
Like the portrait of my soul friend holding my new daughter;
Like the portrait of me, the selfless-me, the soul-me, the wise-me,
with her Romanian blouse, her bat and her pelican,
smiling over the other me, the self-me, the proud-me, the hurt-me;
Like the drawings of the shaman and the maya priest;
Or the drawings of little cute animals
that I made while I was pregnant with my first born
and that still hang on the walls of this room from the time it was her own;

Some of which were painted by other women:
Like the portrait of me smiling so gracefully and tenderly
That it makes my heart melt every time I see it;
Like the twin of the two paintings we received in our weeding day as a gift,
The one I took away with me when we separated and divided paintings;
Like the sketch of the letter ‘L’ in old story books style
That my father gave to me when my first daughter was born
And I named her after my mother, ‘L’ for Lili;
Like the drawing of that very same daughter, pinned to my wall
A family of peacocks:
mother peacock,
father peacock,
daughter peacock, and baby peacock
and all sort of egg peacocks waiting to hatch.

There are also pictures, all sorts of them:
Like the one of a woman’s belly, wearing a white dress and a red apple;
Like the one of my mother, Lili, wearing a white lily in her hair;
Like the one of my sister holding a bouquet of sun flowers in her arms
I know it is her, although you can only see her feet, her hands and the flowers,
I know it because I took the picture
And I remember that day, and the clothes I wore
and the love I bore inside my heart
as we were walking together to my grandmother’s house;
She was still alive, that day;
Like the one of me and my daughter
sitting on a wooden bench facing the blue sea;
Like the one of my beloved smiling at me
On that very first day he took me sailing
For my very first time.

There is my altar,
with it’s crystals and angels and tarot cards
by the looks of which one might say I am a witch
burning locks of my hair in my Tibetan bowl
together with my fears and old pacts I chose
to no longer keep,
together with my tears as I weep
about hurts I no longer need;
with it’s embroiled phoenix bird and it’s owl
singing a perpetual song to all of my spirit animals;
with it’s jar of sea water and sea sand
reminding me of the gift of silence
and inner space, forever in me;
with it’s new pacts written on tiny pieces of paper
that replaced the old ones that burned
like the one stating that I now trust men
and that I now deserve ecstasy;
like the one reclaiming my power;
and the one proclaiming my love for me.

There is my drum,
The one that has guided my amazing dream journeys,
The one that came to me through the gift of my beloved,
Custom made for me be the mystical drummer man
Who died shortly after crafting my gateway to the Underworld
And to so many other-worlds that I have visited
Lead by her sound and my intuition;
She watches over the entire space, ever so gracefully
Ever so powerfully,
Waiting patiently
For me to pick up her stick and
Embark on yet another amazing adventure
To the realm of the soul
And to dream it back home
To me.

There are my brushes and colors,
My white canvases and sketchbooks
Also patiently waiting
For me to respond to the call of my soul;
I haven’t touched them in months,
Not since I quit school
Not since the call went silent
Not since I have been searching for a ‘real’ job
That earns a living
That earns autonomy,
That feeds children,
That allows for rooms like these,
Not since…

There are my books,
My soul books,
The ones on the shelf,
And the ones on my desk,
Like ‘The women who run with the wolves’
Always close to my heart, close to my womb,
The wild woman’s bible,
Her instruction manual,
The one that has found it’s way to me
In unexpected ways.

There is my meditation pillow
Where I sit back
And just breath

There is my reading chair
That used to be my rocking chair
And breastfeeding chair,
That I’ve only used once to read
Some of Plato’s dialogues
That made me wonder…

There are my four agreements
Glued to the wall
Next to my reading space,
So I never forget
To never assume anything,
To always speak my truth, be impeccable with my word
To always do my best,
And the last one, the one I always forget,
I have to turn around, and read it:
Not take anything personally.
Yes, the hardest one to remember,

There is my calendar,
Frozen in March,
With Audrey Hepburn playing golf,
The month my beloved walked away,
There was a full moon on the 23d that month,
Also the beginning of summer time,
The change of hours,
The change of minds,
But never the change of heart.

There is an icon of the Madonna,
Beholding her child,
Reminding me of compassion
And the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.

There are endless scribbles on countless pieces of paper
Scattered around my desk,
Scattered around my mind,
Scattered around my past,
My mourning labor,
My own death ritual,
That of letting die what is supposed to die,
That of burying what is dead,
That of bowing to death as I bow to life,
As I bow to my beloved,
As my torturer, my teacher,
My soul.

There is my midnight dance floor,
My fortress,
My temple,
My window to the outside,
to the neighborhood,
to nature,
to the sky,
to God.

There is my glass slipper,
Abandoned by the door.
In this room, I walk barefoot,
Naked before the mirror on my wall,
Forever longing,
Forever singing,
Forever dreaming,
Forever dancing,
Forever whole,
Forever in love.

At midnight in my room,
My second skin,
The home my soul lives in.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Song of the Iron Lady

The iron lady looked at me
From up above her curtain.
So, what's it gonna be, she asked,
Befalling the uncertain.

She rolled the dice on our behalf
To forecast the most somber,
A bleak subscription to a past
Where ghosts forever wander.

So either stay and wait on him,
Forsake your dreams of wild,
Indulge your master's every whim,
Portray the angel child.

Or either go and turn your back
To the life of hopeless battle
Between the poles of light and dark
Where all your bones would rattle.

I'm gonna do my best, she said,
To even out the odds,
By flight into the cuckoos nest,
By mercy of the gods.

But don't delude yourself, my girl,
Pretending to be sane
Is like pretending to be kind
To entertain the pain.

So did the iron lady sing
My heart to a safe haven
Where life and death together bring
To birth the iron maiden.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Settling back into anger
Nesting back into old habits
Crawling back into the dark whole
Pulling back the blinds
Yelling back at the pouring rain
Cutting back on stillness
Pushing back love
Looking back for answers
Keeping back from moving forward
Sitting back at the edge of reason
Driving back and forth to the house of pain
Holding back on my tears
Dreaming back my soul
Back home

Thursday, April 17, 2014

In between

In between yesterday and tomorrow
I have a dream of a man
Standing in an empty house
In between suitcases
In between the inside and the outside
Looking out
For love

In between cigarettes
I find shelter and food in a lady’s house
A loving space of nothingness
Where my stories flood
In between earth and sky
As I watch the time
Go by

In between my daughters
One burning with midnight fever
One spying with midnight fear
I’m watching over me
Watching over them
In between thoughts
In peace

In between choices
I linger for a while
Forgetting who I was
And what I was supposed to do
Letting go into the infinite space
In between my legs
I do

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The choice

The fool took out his paper to read the horoscope.
What is your sign, he asked me before he jumped his rope,
Don’t haste to make decisions while on a deadly slope
For as you wish for freedom and as you vow your hope
You may just tempt Temptation and may her grace provoke.
Think twice before you do it, that’s how the madman spoke
While putting on his red cap to go out for a smoke.

I see two doors before me and still, I sense much more,
I’m bound to choose my freedom in spite of any door.
Ah, this is the moment I have been waiting for,
The moment that I have longed for, that I’ve been craving for,
The one I have been living and mostly dying for,
Yet the one that most alarmed me, that shook me to the core,
The one that brought me deeply and safely to my shore.

It doesn’t even matter which door I’m gonna choose
For I’ve unlocked my power and I’ve replugged my fuse
I have reclaimed my freedom, I have disclaimed my blues;
I’ve jumped the leap of faith and I have paid my dues;
I’ve broken free from prison and I have changed my views;
I’ve peeled of every layer, I’ve mended every bruise,
So with you or without you I’m walking in my shoes.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mother and daughter

I sat today in a circle of women, mothers and daughters.
My daughter sat beside me, so did the spirits of grounds and waters
The winds and fires, in a circle of flowers.

I led the journey into the heart of a mother’s touch
The ground of a mother’s love, the wind of a mother’s song
The fire of a mother’s temper, where nothing is ever too much.

I felt the presence of my own mother, as I stroked my daughter's hair
The way she used to stroke mine when I was a child,
The way all girls should be taught to embrace their every layer.

I taught them how to braid their hair in three
By the earth, by the sky, by the sea,
Unlocking body, mind and spirit, by joining them together in pure simplicity.

I remembered that sometimes the most precious lessons
We offer our daughters are the ones touched yet not spoken,
To touch each other’s hair and melt in evanescence.

Connecting to the core of our feminine essence.

Friday, April 11, 2014


I forgot how to just be
Nothing to do, nothing to see
Reconnect and disengage
From all the screens in front of me
Just be

Light a candle, feel my pain
And just listen to the rain
Doing nothing, being all
With no queendom left to reign
In vain

So, I will cut it short today
Shut down this screen and move away
From the outside to the in
I have no words left to say

Intermezzo in the City of Angels

She seats in between worlds with the children of midnight, drinking wine
Because it makes her feel more poetic, she claims.
She seats in between flights, in the stillness from between thoughts,
Savoring the essence of her being.

She catches one thought by the leg and pulls it closer.

‘What if’, she says to herself, ‘What if when I’m with someone
I shape my boundaries to meet his limits?
Then I must be careful who I choose to be with,
For he will shape how I perceive the world, how I perceive my self’.

‘Stay with me some more, my love,
We'll share some laughs, we'll share some memories’ she says.

She sometimes feels to urge to gather more, afraid it won’t suffice
But she then remembers a time and place
Where it felt so easy and natural to be a woman
For the sun and the sea would show her the way.

Her journey has made her tough around the edges
But soft in her core, where fear rises with the tide like the moon.
The fear that she would not again be able
To unveil her true essence.

She has not given in to that fear, though
For she embarked on this journey no matter what
For the sake of the journey.

She realizes that she carries the sea within her, always.

Still, she wonders at times if Wise Woman
Would whisper in her ear in her time of doubt
And if she would be able to listen in spite of her old ally,
The one who can make her irresistible to any man.

Yes, perhaps that is her only question
As she buys herself a pair of old navy pants,
Definitely not very flattering to her feminine figure.
What was she thinking?!

Maybe that she could hide for a while inside those pants
Remembering to forget, instead.
She questions her instincts, for she feels nothing.
‘Is it bad’, she asks herself, ‘Shouldn’t I feel something?’

But she embraces her nothingness with nothing but grace.

For she looks in the mirror and she sees the force within her
It is there, guiding her every step, her expression, her very being
She is the art, she knows it while she dreams for a while
Of a world were every being would come to realize that they are their own art.

But she sees the beauty in the world just as it is.

She know that it is this simple:
All we have to do is just to manifest whatever it is there within
From a space of love.
There is nothing to change, nothing to fix.

Relax and breathe into whatever is.

She sees herself in this very moment, in between flights, in between worlds
And she recognizes the gate to all possibilities.
And it is not just about the plane she is about to board.
She recognizes the potential in each moment for the miraculous.

She knows that she does have a choice in each and every moment
To what she gives birth to from within her core, what she brings to the surface
What she offers the world.

Oh, but she is indeed a woman.

She plans and schemes like any woman would do.
Is he suitable? Will he let me down? Will he open himself to me?
Will I feel connected to him? Will he wait for me?

Aaah, but at the end of the day, she laughs at all her little plans and schemes.
She laughs as she feels right at home.

She allows for life to surprise her
For she has come to realize that as long as she shows herself exactly as she is
She will carry herself with grace and ease no matter what life offers.
She will become a channel of love and wisdom and divine grace
Without ever planning on it.

Oh, yes, she had read these things in all sorts of books before
But this time is different, for this time she reads them in her gut
In her womb, in her heart.

So what if she longs for her man to claim her
To ravish her wide open, to feel her and adore her to her core?
So what if she is on the verge of falling in love,
Ripe and ready as a fruit longing to be picked?

For at the end of another day, she knows
That the unshakable liaison is the one between herself and the source
And that is the only thing that is truly real.
It is the place where we all come from
It is life and death, it simply is.

She has shown me this and much more.
She is my beloved, my inspiration, my friend
She is the One Who Knows
She is Wild Woman, Wise Woman, Divine Woman, Skeleton Woman, Pure Woman
Sitting in between flights, in between words, in between thoughts, in between worlds.

She is also me and I am also her.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


As I went in the sleep of trust
And laid down all my guns
I dreamed my calling back to life
Let all spells be un-cast.

And as I saw your face today
And melted in your eyes
I touched the scars of every gun
And bullet gone astray.

You dropped a tear in my hand
I felt it reach my heart
Forgiveness has a salty taste
That bounds all wounds to mend.

As you forgave and shed your tear
So I forgive it all
And I let go of every chain
My grief, my hate, my fear.

You offered me the greatest gift
The final sacrifice
Oh, how I've waited all these years
To finally make the shift.

And as I felt the shift inside
I had to ask again
If you are sure we need to part
Or is it just your pride.

But by the time you spoke your word
I had already seen
The answer written in your heart
Inside your every chord.

It was the word of God I've seen
The miracle of grace
I am so happy we're alive
Don't wake me from this dream.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The sleep of trust

I wonder if the feeling of unsafe
Was born in your left eye
The one you used to spy on me
Where all my secrets lie.

What have you seen there after all
To make you want to leave?
Was I not worthy of your love,
Nor my love worth to give?

Was it the man that touched my skin
Or was the man that touched my soul
The one who knew before you did
That I long to be whole?

So did you come to realize
That it was you I sought
And it was I who felt betrayed
That you could feel me not?

Or have you ever come to see
That it was you I chose?
In spite of all the doubts and fears
It was by you I rose.

It was by you I learned to trust
You taught me to let go
To trust my longing, trust my gut
To trust my inner flow.

If I am ready to move on
Or plan it just the same,
I do so with a loving heart
With no one left to blame.

And as I lock the doors tonight
After the storm has passed,
I know I do not lock you out
For I am safe at last.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

KM 139. Seagulls cry.

Here we go again
Still without a plan
Waiting by the phone
Frightened to the bone
Seagulls cry outside
The shadows collide
Guardians await
Down by the estate
Where minds go to fry
And love goes to die
They’re waiting for you
Though the seagulls flew
Backwards to the light
Just before the fight
Forward to the shore
Long after the war

Saturday, I

feel scared but act brave
forget my dreams
make breakfast for the kids
wash the dishes in someone else’s house
go for a windy walk
light a cigarette
read about making love to God for a while
realize that I am not enlightened
breathe in
reach out to someone
feel useless to someone else
call 911
make lunch for the kids
wash the dishes again
give in but don’t give up
put the baby down for a nap
breathe out
light another cigarette
call my sister
scroll facebook in vain
lie down on the floor
feel my body
feel lost
play with the kids
buy a cheap bottle of wine
drink some
make dinner
feel scared and act scared
tell the truth about how ignorant I am
cry some more
call my sister again
stop crying and comfort my daughter
pack and wash dishes again
move to yet another house that is not my own
feel safe
put the kids to sleep
drink the rest of the wine
try to write a poem
try again
still can’t
bite a nail
just write about my day
even if I fail
there’s beauty in it anyway.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cantec de dor

Du-ma ie pe campie
Si-mi arata locul
Unde ceru-mi canta mie,
Unde curge totul.

Oi inchide ochii,
Ma lepad de rochii;
Ma lepad de piele,
De toate-ale mele.

Oi impleti cosite
Cate trei suvite:
Una pentru muma,
Pentru muma huma;
Una pentru sora,
Pentru sora luna;
Si-una pentru fiica,
Focul din ispita.

Apoi mi-oi lua zborul
Sa imi gasesc dorul
Prin semne cusute
De nimeni stiute.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Call me Wild Woman

It takes a wild woman to make a soul gardener,
For she sows her dreams for just the right seed.

It takes a wild woman to make the soil fertile,
For she goes down on all fours and ploughs her heart barefoot.

It takes a wild woman to make the moonlight glow,
For she carries the dark side of moon within her womb.

It takes a wild woman to make a ribcage crack,
For she knows just where to strike her shovel in.

It takes a wild woman to make the water source,
For she gives her tear fully and completely.

It takes a wild woman to make the seed sprout,
For she sings her song giving flesh to the bones.

What does it take to make love to a wild woman?
It takes a man who tries not to tame her, 

For he learns to name her and call her by her name again and again;
For he sees her true nature and does not give in to the urge of running away.

He will stay.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


So, let the craziness begin.
Fasten your seatbelt tight within,
Unchain those ghosts that cling to you.
Oh, what a journey this has been.

You asked me not to intervene.
Am I the perfect heroine
Or am I nothing but a fool
Who plays the dead man’s violin?

I wish I knew the mortal sin
Inherited through blood of kin,
So I’d repent and be released
From living deep under your skin.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The grace of solitude

The lights are out and you’re not home
I write my poem all alone
Writing with my heart in the dark.

It’s written on the walls, written on my skin
Written in the silence in between
Drumming in my ears full of tears.

It’s everywhere I look to see
The bloom of the magnolia tree
Finding grace as I take some space.

The light is on, you’re still not home
But I no longer feel alone
Turning on the magnitude of solitude.