
Thursday, February 19, 2015

The betrayal

When did the soul woman lose her soul,
When did she feel the most betrayed,
Was it when her sugar man deceived her bowl,
Or was it when he strayed?

When did the wise woman lose her wit,
When did she feel the most befooled,
Was it when her teacher lost his grit,
Or was it when he schooled?

When did the loving woman lose her love,
When did she feel the most denied,
Was it when her beloved wouldn't see,
Or was it when he spied?

When did the childish woman lose her play,
When did she feel the most constrained,
Was it when her daddy lead astray,
Or was it when he chained?

When did the wild woman lose her beast,
When did she feel most tamed,
Was it when her hunter leashed her wrist,
Or was it when he aimed?

No matter what betrayal she has stored,
What blindness, taming, hurt,
A woman's soul can be restored
By digging up her dirt.

To all men who have taught me Me, with love an reverence.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The light of love

You see, this one is for you
So you can hear my voice
the voice of my heart
in the dark.

I will not speak of it then
none of it, for my voice
will tell it's own story
in the meantime.

I will sit quietly on this chair
Open my mouth and listen
as the song sings itself
in the silence.

You see, here is me
mouth shut, heart open
or is it the other way around
in the mind.

I will hang on for a while
as the last spell will be uncast
and the last words will be unspoken
in the light of love.

You see, this is the light of love.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

All I need is this

I expected so much of you
To build me a home
To fill it with memories and love
To build it on trust and kindness
To ground it deep in our hearts.

I expected the world of you
To plant your seeds in me
To nurture me and be my safe place
To love me where one could not be loved
To be faithful.

I expected the worst of you
To leave me hanging in my worst of times
To bail on your dreams
To bail on your children
To bail on your sanity
To bail on us.

I expected the best of you
To raise up to your potential
To meet me halfways always
To navigate my oceans
To fulfil my needs.

I expected so little of you
To be there
To love tender
To be true
To take out the garbage.

I expected the promise of us
To last though the storm
To care for our home
To never hold out
To give up the fight.

Little did I know
To forgive your worst
To accept your best
To let go of all
To accept the whole.

Be that as it may
I expect today
To forgive myself
To love and foremost
To expect nothing at all.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Labyrinth of mystique

The open window to the night
The moan of seagulls in their flight
A glass of wine to slow the mind
A world of shadows intertwined.

Between the what you see and don't
Between the down below and front
Between the airy and serene
Between the gloomy and obscene.

You close your eyes and slip away
Become the hunter or the prey
Become the seeker or the pawn
You close your eyes and wait till dawn.

You dare not enter but alas
You're dancing barefoot on the glass
It is not you who will pursue
It is the dance that dances you.

The more you render to delay
The more you try to disobey
The more you'll swamp into the daze
Forever baffled in the maze.

Yet as you search for your way out
Amongst the likes of fear and doubt
You stumble on the golden key
You face your shadows and you're free.